王后 & 国王 ...跳棋游戏
王后和国王……跳棋游戏是一款面向2或4名玩家的抽象策略游戏,它的玩法就像西洋跳棋一样,但引入了王后棋子,即在每次移动时实施策略。 游戏可以是二人或以团队模式游玩。关于这款游戏的更多内容:王后厌倦了男性主导的游戏,即只作为映衬国王或王后的次要角色。于是她创造了一款2/4玩家的游戏,来表明王后能够成为游戏的主人。在王后和国王…… 跳棋游戏中,在棋盘中央引入王后权杖,获得它后就会出现国王。 国王可以向任何方向移动一格,沿着它的对角线网格向前或向后移动。将你的棋子推进到棋盘的另一端,创造一个王后。王后可以在棋盘的对角线上飞行,捕获她路径上的所有对手。王后和国王都具有战略价值,所以要做出明智的选择,因为一旦转变王后或国王会一直保持不变,直到其被打败或游戏结束。在王后和国王……跳棋游戏中,每场游戏一开始都有9个棋子,它们只能沿着对角线格子前进,所以要注意女王和她针对对手的追捕。在团队模式下,你需要齐心协力才能打败对手。你的策略是什么? 王后现在坐在国王旁边的王座上,和平且和谐统治着整个王国,是吗?
玩家人数: 2,4
游戏时长: 13 mn
复杂度: 3 / 5
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在线上玩 王后 & 国王 ...跳棋游戏 以及 959 款其他游戏。
- The game is played on a 13*13 board (It appears to be a 17*17 board).
- There is a king scepter center.
- Each player places their 9 checkers on their first two rows.
- On your turn, move a piece according to its own rules.
- You can capture opponent’s pieces by jumping over them. You can capture multiple times in a turn.
- If you can capture, you must capture.
- All checkers start as basic. They can move one space diagonally forward, unless capturing.
- A checker becomes a king when it reaches the middle of the board (the scepter). Kings can move one space diagonally in any direction.
- A checker becomes a queen when it reaches the last row on the opposite side. Queens can move any number of spaces diagonally along a line.
End of the Game
- A player is eliminated if they have no checkers.
- A player wins if they are the last one standing.
- If all players agree, the game can end in a stalemate.
Special Notes
Kings do not become Queens if they reach the last row. Checkers can only be EITHER a King or Queen when they reach the appropriate space.