被放逐出森林的小人们,在废弃的花园里找到了庇护所,建造了一座新城。 在几周的时间里,他们把木箱变成了公寓,用旧的晶体管收音机创造出歌舞厅,咖啡壶变成了钟楼……但很快,每个部落都想用任何可能的方式夺取城镇的控制权:完全官方 项目,控制领土,执行秘密任务,甚至入侵对手的建筑物。
玩家人数: 2 - 4
游戏时长: 32 mn
复杂度: 3 / 5
在线上玩 花园国度 以及 1003 款其他游戏。
在线上玩 花园国度 以及 1003 款其他游戏。
Build structures brick by brick to satisfy projects and secret missions, whilst maintaining your Inhabitants
Core Concepts
There are two core concepts to keep in mind
Firstly, where you take an action determines what area will be used next, e.g. if you use the top right space of any area, the top right area will be the next used
Secondly, although everyone will get a turn in a round, the next player is decided by the current player out of those who have not taken a turn yet
On a turn, a player may take one or two actions based on their place in turn order
In addition, they may complete a common project &/or use a Ploy
The three actions to choose from are: Construct in an Empty Area, Construct on an Existing Building, Abandon an Existing Building
If a player truly can't do anything in the region they are designated, they can take their action(s) in the region in the next numerical value
Construct in an Empty Area
To build on an empty patch, spend Inhabitants equal to the number on that patch
To build on a Bramble (no value) spend 5 Inhabitants and choose what type of land it becomes
Either way, after which place a floor on the empty space
Construct on an Existing Building
If a player has previously made a floor, they can add a floor to this for the cost of the land as above +1 for each floor already there, e.g. a land cost of 3 with 2 floors already will cost 5 to add the third floor
There is no height limit, but you can only build on your own structures
Abandon a Building
Completely demolish a building, no part deconstructions, completely remove the tower and receive Inhabitants equal to 2 X the cost to build it
Complete a Common Project
As a bonus action, and once per main action (so up to twice per turn) a player can complete a Common Project
A Common Project can only be claimed at the moment a floor is placed which completes its objective
An Objective which requires a certain number of floors desires a MINIMUM number, not an exact number of
The floor which caused the Project to complete receives a roof, which means it can't be built any higher AND it can no longer contribute to other future projects
No other structures which contributed to the objective receive a roof
The player takes the Objective so no one else can claim it and moves forward the depicted number of points
A new common project is then revealed
It is possible for a player to complete the newly revealed project if they completed their first objective with their first action, and have a second action which lets them complete the newly revealed project
Secret Missions are similar to Common Projects except that they are scored at game end
Ploy Tokens
As an addition per action, a player can use a Ploy Token to enact a Ploy
Strategic Movement & Roof Transfer are AS WELL AS the main action
Building Invasion is INSTEAD OF the main action
Strategic Movement
This allows the player to take their action(s) in the region one value higher or one value lower than their current location
1 & 7 wrap round
Roof Transfer
This allows the player to move a roof from their current area to another area as long as the land types match
Building Invasion
This allows the player to take control of another player's structure and turn it into their own
To do this, the active player must pay double the cost of building the structure and the passive player gains double the cost of building the structure (as if it were an Abandon action from their perspective)
Territory Control & Preparations
After all players have had a turn, the current round ends
In each region, the player with the most floors gains 2 inhabitants, or 1 each if two players are tied
The player who played last this round now becomes first player for the next round
Game End
Once a player plays their final floor (even if they use their second action to gain floors back) the current round is finished properly and the game ends
Players all reveal their Secret Missions and score these as depicted
Players gain or lose points depending on how much or how few inhabitants they have
The player with the most points wins!