更详细地来说,各队拥有自己的屏幕,并将四张卡牌插进这块屏幕编号 1-4 的区域内,令同队所有人都看得到这些卡牌上的词语,而对手看不到。在第一轮,每队照做:一位队员拿取一张密码卡,卡上依特定顺序排列着 1-4 中的三个数字,例如 4-2-1。随后他给出一条加密信息,队友据其猜测密码。举个例子,假设该队伍的四个词语为“猪”“糖果”“帐篷”与“儿子”,我有可能就会说“山姆-带条纹-粉色”,并希望我的队友能够正确将这些词语与 4-2-1 联系起来。如果他们正确猜出,那就太好了;反之,我们就得到一枚代表失败的黑色标记。
从第二轮开始,每队的一位成员仍须根据抽出的新数字密码卡给出关于他们词语的提示。假如我抽出 2-4-3,我现在可能会说“棒棒糖-王子-桩子”。另一队需要尝试猜测我们的密码。如果他们猜对,他们将会得到一枚代表成功的白色拦截成功标记,猜错没有惩罚。之后,己方队伍必须正确猜出数字密码,否则就会拿取一枚黑色传讯失败标记。(猜对了只是避免了失败,不过会给对手更多关于我们关键词的信息。)
如此一轮轮继续,直到一队收集到第二枚白色标记(赢得游戏)或第二枚黑色标记(输掉游戏)。游戏通常持续 4-7 轮。如果八轮以后还无赢家,每队必须尝试猜测另一队的词语;哪队猜对得多,哪队便胜利。
玩家人数: 4 - 8
游戏时长: 39 mn
复杂度: 1 / 5
在线上玩 谍报风云 以及 978 款其他游戏。
在线上玩 谍报风云 以及 978 款其他游戏。
In this cryptic game of clues and secrecy, your aim is to intercept the opponent team twice without failing your own team twice
Turn Structure
Each round is split into 8 parts
1) A different Encryptor is designated each turn
2) Encryptors secretly views a Code Card
3) Encryptors writes 3 clues
4) Both teams discuss and write down what they think about the White clues (Excluding White Encryptor, but including Black Encryptor)
5) The White code is revealed. If the Black team is correct, they receive an Interception Token (white token), whilst if they are wrong nothing happens. If the White team is correct, nothing happens, whilst if they are wrong they receive an Miscommunication Token (black token).
- Parts 4 and 5 are then repeated, with both teams attempting to decipher the Black clues
Round End
Once both teams have attempted to decipher both codes, the round ends.
If one team now has 2 Interception, they win.
If one team now has 2 Miscommunication, they lose.
If both teams win in the same round, the tokens turn into points, with Interceptions worth +1 and Miscommunication worth -1 to determine the winning team.
If both teams are still tied, they can submit their guesses for the 4 words of the other team.
If no win/lose condition was triggered, a new round begins.
When each new round begins the Code Cards are reshuffled. This means that sequences can repeat within a game.
Clue Rules
The following are the Encryptor's rules for making their clues :
A clue can either be a single word or a phrase
Each clue must clearly be separate
A clue must only refer to the meaning
A clue must NOT refer to inside or private information (e.g., "our dinner last night" or "your sister's favorite animal" for Cow)
A clue must NOT use the spelling (e.g. a "C" for Cow)
A clue must NOT indicated the number of letters (e.g. a "3" or "Three" for Cow)
A clue must NOT indicate the position (e.g. "Tripod" for Cow in third position)
A clue must NOT address pronunciation (e.g. "Wow!" to sound like Cow)
A clue must NOT be the same word in another language (e.g. "Vache" for Cow)
A clue must NOT be a keyword in your code (e.g.”white and black” for Cow when White is also a keyword)
Spelling of the clue is important and anyone can ask for spelling clarification
Each clue can only be used ONCE per player across the whole game