Big Monster 是一款适用於 2-6 名玩家的轮抽和版块放置桌游,具有三种游戏模式(对抗、组队或 2-3 名玩家)
Big Monster 带你到一个未知而繁华的星球,在那里你会发现各种奇异的怪物和稀有的水晶,但也会与其他探险者一同竞争完成各种任务。
每回合,玩家从手中挑选一块板块并将其连接到他们的星球区域,象徵著星球的发现。然后每个玩家必须快速将剩馀的牌分配给它选择的另一个玩家 - 选择帮助他/她的伙伴,或者阻碍对手。
有趣,有策略性,规则简单,易玩,Big monster是家庭游戏,但也是核心桌游玩家所喜欢的
玩家人数: 2 - 6
游戏时长: 15 mn
复杂度: 2 / 5
在线上玩 大怪兽 以及 934 款其他游戏。
在线上玩 大怪兽 以及 934 款其他游戏。
- All players draw 2 explorers and discard one.
- The game consists of 2 rounds. Each round has 9 turns.
- At the start of the round, each player draws 10 tiles.
- On a turn, everyone adds a tile to their areas (cannot be rotated) and pass their hand to another player.
- If a mutant monster is connected to a mutagenic monster, it mutates and score more points.
- If a player cannot pass their hand, they take the dragon token. At the end of each round, the owner of the dragon loses 5 points.
- Afterwards, if anyone fufill the requirements for a medal, they gain it. All medals have 5 points, except desert (10) and penality (-10).
End of the Game
- The game ends after 2 rounds.
- At the end of the game, the player with the least number of deserts and runes receive the penality medal. On a tie, they all receive a medal.
- Proceed to scoring. Mutant monsters and dragons score points on them. Big monster scores 1 if incomplete, or 11 if complete.
- Swamp monsters scores 2 points for each swamp monster in the area. Grassland monsters and explorers score under conditions.
- Each green crystal scores 2 points, each pink crystal scores 5 points and each blue crystal scores 10 points.
- In individual mode, the player with the most points wins. In team mode, Only the lower score is kept. The team with a higher score wins.
- If there is a tie, compare big monster points (individual) or compare higher score.
Team Mode
- In team mode, there are team medals. Their conditions are based on the total contribution of all teammates. All teammates receive the medal.
- When scoring, only the lowest score is kept.
- If there is a tie, compare the highest score first, then the number of big monsters.
2 or 3 Players
- There is no drafting. Instead, on a turn, the first player reveals tiles equal to double the number of players.
- Starting from the first player, each player places a tile and discards one.
- The second player will be the first player on the next turn.