Belladone Bluff
颠茄:茄科植物。剧毒,可致人死亡。当剂量适当时,其活性物质仍用于现代医学。 要赢得医疗制剂,您需要添加第七种成分。但它是得分为正的治疗方法还是得分为负数的毒药?面朝上或面朝下的牌、计算、记忆和虚张声势将使您能够以比对手更多的分数赢得比赛。
玩家人数: 2 - 4
游戏时长: 24 mn
复杂度: 2 / 5
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在线上玩 Belladone Bluff 以及 974 款其他游戏。
Play cards and bluff your opponent into taking negative scoring sets, whilst trying not to fall into their traps and score the most yourself
On your turn, you can add as many cards as you wish to a single row
All the cards played must be of the same colour
Place them respecting the placement depictions which follows a faceup then facedown rotation
If you play a special card, its effects only trigger when played to a faceup space
The 7th and final card of a sequence must always be of the same colour as the 6th, i.e. if your opponent only played up to the 6th, you have to play the same colour as what they played
If you cannot play, you instead discard as many cards as you wish and draw new ones then end your go
Completing a Row
If you play the 7th card to a row, you have completed it
Flip all the facedown cards faceup
Facedown special cards have NO effect when revealed
Sum all the cards in the row which could cause a positive, negative, or zero score for that player
Discard all the cards on that row and draw a random deck card to start a fresh row
Game End
When the deck is depleted, the next time a row is completed and scored the game ends or if a player is unable to play it ends
The player with the most points, wins!