Bid whist
Two jokers are added. Jokers are the highest trump cards, except in no-trump bids where jokers are worthless.
Each player may bid the number of tricks to take and the trump suit or pass.
The declarer draws 6 cards from the kitty and discards 6 cards, and this counts as a scored trick.
Only the declarer side wins or loses points.
Each player may bid the number of tricks to take and the trump suit or pass.
The declarer draws 6 cards from the kitty and discards 6 cards, and this counts as a scored trick.
Only the declarer side wins or loses points.
喜爱玩 Whist 的闲暇玩家

Bid whist
Two jokers are added. Jokers are the highest trump cards, except in no-trump bids where jokers are worthless.
Each player may bid the number of tricks to take and the trump suit or pass.
The declarer draws 6 cards from the kitty and discards 6 cards, and this counts as a scored trick.
Only the declarer side wins or loses points.
Each player may bid the number of tricks to take and the trump suit or pass.
The declarer draws 6 cards from the kitty and discards 6 cards, and this counts as a scored trick.
Only the declarer side wins or loses points.