Welcome to El Paso at the turn of the 19th century, where five major railroads have transformed this Sun City into a booming hub for the cattle trade. Ranchers from Texas and Mexico drive their finest herds into town, preparing them for a journey across the United States. Now, it is your turn to take the reins!
In Great Western Trail: El Paso, you step into the boots of a rancher, striving to deliver the best cattle, earn money, and claim victory. Along the way, you will need to:
- Expand your herd: Invest in high-value cattle to maximize your profits!
- Build key structures: Unlock powerful actions to gain the upper hand!
- Shape the railroad’s future: Secure lucrative contracts and guide the expansion!
Based on the acclaimed Great Western Trail trilogy, El Paso offers a streamlined experience- perfect for newcomers and veterans alike. Whether you are diving into the series for the first time or looking for a quicker, strategic challenge, this game has something for every cowpoke at the table.
A tutorial to learn it in a bliss? Follow the link, and simply dive into the game page for more details and start a game right away from your browser:
It's a wonderful game, designed by Alexandre Pfister and Johannes Krenner, who along with the Lookout Games team helped us bring it online for your entertainment!
Thanks a lot to them, as well as to the game developer, firgon, who did a fantastic job for you all to enjoy this game online.
Also, please note that the game will be fully available for free until April 21st, 2025.
That's it for your Wednesday Release Time!
See you around next week for a surprise... or two!
Until then, take care and play fair!
大西部开拓者:埃尔帕索 - 更少时间,更多行动!
欢迎来到19世纪末的 埃尔帕索,当时五条主要铁路将这座阳光之城变成了牛只贸易的繁荣中心。来自德克萨斯和墨西哥的牛倌将他们最优质的牛群带到城镇,为穿越美国的旅程做准备。现在,轮到你来掌握缰绳了!
在 大西部开拓者:埃尔帕索 中,你将扮演一个牧场主,努力交付最好的牛群,赚钱,并取得胜利。在此过程中,你需要
- 扩大您的畜群:投资高价值的牛来最大化您的利润!
- 建造关键结构:解锁强大的行动以取得优势!
- 塑造铁路的未来:获得利润丰厚的合同并引导扩张!
El Paso 改编自广受好评的 Great Western Trail 三部曲,为新手和老手提供了流畅的体验。无论您是第一次接触这个系列,还是在寻找更快、更具战略性的挑战,这款游戏都能满足每位牛仔的需求。
这是一款精彩的游戏,由 Alexandre Pfister 和 Johannes Krenner 设计,他们与 Lookout Games 团队一起帮助我们将其放到网上供您娱乐!
非常感谢他们,也感谢游戏开发商 firgon,他们做了出色的工作,让大家能够在线享受这款游戏。
另请注意,该游戏将限时免费提供至 2025 年 4 月 21 日。