Survive The Island is a cutthroat game in which players race to evacuate their adventurers — especially those of a high value — from a sinking island to maximize their score.
An island made up of forty hex-tiles is slowly sinking into the ocean as tiles are removed from the board. Each player controls ten people (valued 1-5) that they try to move towards the safety of the surrounding islands before the main island's volcanoes finally erupt. Players can either swim or use rafts to travel, but must avoid sea serpents, kaiju, and sharks on their way to safety.
But your meeples aren’t all the same. Each has a number from 1 to 5 on the bottom, representing the number of points they are worth if rescued. Players can note these numbers during initial placement, but can’t look during the game.
On your turn you’re given 3 movements, either of meeples across land or rafts across water. Use them wisely!
Then rising waters occur, removing one of the island tiles, leaving only water. When an island tile is removed, the player flips it to see if they should take an immediate action (like spawning a new sea creature) or if they are given a one-time ability they can use later in the game, like having a friendly dolphin move you extra spaces.
Finally, you roll the creature die and move the baddies accordingly. These monsters can knock meeples out of the game, losing those points for good.
The game ends when there are no adventurers left to rescue, or a 3rd volcano erupts. Count up points on the bottom of your rescued meeples - highest points wins!
Survive the Island is a straightforward, easy to learn game and a light-hearted one. One thing to note is that although your main goal is rescuing your own meeples, there is a bit of “take that” in the process. After all, when you have to move the monsters, you aren’t going to send them after your own meeples!
Sounds fun, right? You can enjoy it right now on Board Game Arena by clicking the link below and discovering all the details before engaging in a game:
And it's all thanks to the game designer Julian Courtland-Smith and the whole Zygomatic publishing team that you can enjoy this title on the platform!
Let's also note that the game was fully developped by darhf who made an excellent job again. You can play it from your phone, tablet or computer with ease thanks to the level of care that has been put into this port.
And that's it for your Wednesday Release Time!
See you around in a few days, it's surprises and gifts seasons for all, and you'll love what we'll bring to you soon.
Until next week, take care and play fair!
《逃离绝命岛》 是一款残酷的游戏,玩家要争分夺秒地将冒险者(尤其是高价值冒险者)从正在下沉的小岛上撤离,以最大限度地提高得分。
随着棋盘上的棋子被移除,一个由四十块六角形棋子组成的岛屿正慢慢沉入海洋。每个玩家控制十个人(价值 1-5),在主岛的火山最终喷发之前,他们要设法将这些人转移到周围安全的岛屿上。玩家可以游泳或使用木筏前进,但必须避开海蛇、怪兽和鲨鱼,以确保安全。
但您的米宝并不全都一样。每个米宝底部都有一个从 1 到 5 的数字,代表它们获救后可获得的积分数。玩家可以在初始放置时记下这些数字,但不能在游戏过程中查看。
在您的回合中,您有 3 次移动机会,可以是使用米宝穿越陆地,或是使用木筏穿越水面。请明智地使用它们!
Survive the Island 是一款简单易学、轻松愉快的游戏。需要注意的一点是,虽然你的主要目标是解救自己的米宝,但在这个过程中也有一点 “拿捏 ”的成分。毕竟,当你要移动怪物的时候,你可不会让它们去追自己的米宝!
听起来很有趣,对吧?您可以马上在Board Game Arena上享受它,只需点击下面的链接并在参与游戏之前了解所有详细信息:
这一切都要感谢游戏设计师Julian Courtland-Smith和整个Zygomatic出版团队,让您能够在该平台上享受这游戏!