Embark on a journey through time to conquer immortality! In this thrilling deckbuilding game, become a time traveler in search of the enigmatic Eternitium, a precious gem that grants eternal life hidden in a distant era. Showcase your ingenuity and clever tactics to outpace your rivals in this captivating temporal race.
Your quest for eternity begins now!
Use the various portals you can create to search for the gem. A mad race begins between the different time travellers. Use technology to help you find the gem more quickly, gather information, or waste the time of other players! No holds barred, only one thing matters: being the first to get your hands on the Eternitium gem!
One after another, players will play Technology cards to discard as many Era cards as possible.
Players will be able to acquire more powerful technologies from the market. Be careful, building these will cause you to lose time by adding Era cards. These technologies will help you to have more prolific turns or to put obstacles in the way of your opponents.
The first player to discard all his Era cards and find the gem wins the game.
Curious about this game? Click the link below to find out more informations and start a game in no time:
Let's thank the Haumea Games team and Thomas Carlier, the game designer, for this nice addition to Board Game Arena, and let's send some love to Galeelox who made this adaptation to your favorite platform. ;)
That's it for this Monday. More will come, but until then...
Take care and play fair!
踏上穿越时空的旅程,征服永生!在这款激动人心的卡牌游戏中,成为一名时间旅行者,寻找神秘的 永恒金,这是一种隐藏在遥远时代、能赋予永生的珍贵宝石。在这场引人入胜的时间竞赛中,展示您的聪明才智和巧妙的策略,超越您的对手。
让我们感谢Haumea Games团队和游戏设计师Thomas Carlier为Board Game Arena增添了这一精彩内容,也让我们向Galeelox表达爱意,他们将此游戏改编到了您最喜欢的平台上。;)