You scan the snowy expanse of the Arctic, hoping to catch a glimpse of the inhabitants that live there. The more animals of a type that you see together, the better- yet you also want to diversify your sightings, while moving your totem animal towards the pack ice as far as possible.
In Arctic, you move across the landscape and spot animals, creating a pile of animal cards in front of you. The card on top of your personal pile is your "visible" animal card. Each animal card contains four pieces of information:
- A placement value
- The main animal depicted on the card
- A companion animal
- A draw value
At the start of your turn, place as many cards from your hand into your personal pile as the placement value of your visible animal card. (On your first turn, place one animal from your starting hand of three cards.) For each card you can not place, draw a card facedown from the deck and place it in a personal penalty pile. Next, using your new visible animal card, move the token of the main animal forward one space on the landscape and the companion animal backward one space or vice versa. Finally, draw as many animal cards from the "river" of six animal cards as the draw value of your visible animal card. (If you now have more than seven cards in hand, discard into your penalty pile until you have seven.)
Each time you place an animal on your pile, take the matching animal power card from the center of play or whoever currently has it. You can use the listed power each turn for as long as you hold this card, such as moving an animal token an additional space, drawing from your penalty pile, or refilling the river after each card you draw.
When the deck runs out, you finish the round, place cards one more time, then score points. For each type of animal, you score points based on the largest set of consecutive cards of this type you have in your pile. Additionally, you score a bonus based on the number of sets you have completed. Reveal the animal token you received at the start of the game, and score based on how far it advanced across the landscape. Lose 1 point for each card in your penalty pile. Whoever has the highest score wins.
Get your hands on the included tutorial to learn it now, or click the game page link below to setup your options and start playing:
And let's celebrate the work done by Jiiru for the development, with the help from the Ludonaute team and Cédric Lefebvre, the game designer, for making this happen on our platform!
That's it for your Monday game release.
See you on Wednesday for another one, and until then...
Take care and play fair!
在 北极 中,您会穿越地形并发现动物,从而在您面前创建一堆动物卡。您个人卡堆顶部的卡是您的“可见”动物卡。每张动物卡包含四条信息:
- 放置值
- 卡片上描绘的主要动物
- 伴侣动物
- 平局值
当牌堆用完时,您结束回合,再放一次牌,然后得分。对于每种动物,您根据堆中该类型的最大连续牌组得分。此外,您还根据完成的牌组数量获得奖励。揭示您在游戏开始时收到的动物标记,并根据它在景观中前进的距离得分。惩罚堆中的每张牌都会扣 1 分。得分最高的人获胜。
立即获取随附的教程来学习 ,或单击下面的游戏页面链接来设置您的选项并开始游戏:
让我们庆祝Jiiru在Ludonaute 团队和游戏设计师Cédric Lefebvre的帮助下为开发所做的工作,使这一目标在我们的平台上实现!