A newly released Roll & Write driven territorial war with a modular board!
In Lumen: The Lost World, two clans clash in the Lost World where the seasons coexist in harmony. The inhabitants are another matter, mind you, with the People of the Day and the People of the Night at perpetual war for possession of the Lumens.
The game is a territorial duel driven by a roll-and-write mechanism, and players will try to spice up their choices and recruit mercenaries by developing the skills of their factions. Each round, the players choose to combine the result on two dice in order to recruit fighters and give orders to those existing on the board. Each territory is worth Lumens. With each movement, reveal the discovery tokens that will bring you Lumens or bonus actions. The player with the most Lumens wins.
There are, of course, a lot of scenarios to change-up your gameplay.
The game is quite simple, quite deep, and you can judge it for yourself if you want to go through the very short tutorial available here.
You can play it right now from this link to discover everything you need to know about it:
We would like to thank the Lumberjack Studio team, as well as Bruno Cathala and Corentin Lebrat for the authorization to have the game on our platform.
And nothing would have been possible without the cool work done by thoun to make the game playable on pretty much any web-enabled device. Try it. 😉
That's it for today!
Until next week, take care and play fair!
(And thanks a lot for your support. You make BGA what it is today, and for the years to come.)
新发布的带有模块化板的 Roll & Write 驱动的领土战争!
请注意,居民是另一回事,白日之民和黑夜之民为争夺 Lumens 的所有权而进行着永恒的战争。
每个领土都值得 Lumens。
我们要感谢 Lumberjack Studio 团队,以及 Bruno Cathala 和 Corentin Lebrat 授权在我们的平台上发布游戏。
如果没有 thou 所做的出色工作使游戏可以在几乎任何支持网络的设备上玩,任何事情都是不可能的。
您造就了 BGA 的现在和未来 。)