You and your fellow players are eager and curious astronomers, determined to explore and understand the constellations of the mysterious night sky. You are willing to assist each other and share your discoveries, but in the end, only one of you will become famous enough to be remembered throughout history.
Astra is a clever mix of tactics and strategy, with a streamlined and intuitive rule set that makes it easy to pick up and quick to play. A game of Astra consists of continuous player turns until a certain number of Constellation cards are taken, when, after an endgame scoring, the player with the most Fame points wins.
On your turn, you may choose to either Observe or Rest.
The Observe action allows you to spend Stardust to discover stars on the Constellation cards using your dry erase marker. You may only mark stars in a straight continuous line, but you may spend Telescope tokens to start new observations. As soon as you mark the last star in a Constellation, you take the card from the Night Sky, granting you a powerful reusable ability for the rest of the game. But other players also benefit from the discovery: based on how many stars they marked, they may choose one of the card’s instant benefits (Boons) at the time it is discovered.
The Rest action allows you to not only refill your Stardust up to your capacity, but also to reactivate all of your card abilities that match the currently active Sphere. Your card abilities are very powerful and strategy-enabling, so a well-timed Rest action can give you a huge advantage.
You can play the game right now by clicking below before looking at the stars, up there...
Of course you can also try the included tutorial to learn about the game in no-time.
You can thank Kayvon and Mogri who developed the game for your beloved platform, as well as the publisher Mindclash Games & the team of game designers** Patrik Porkoláb, Frigyes Schőberl, & Eszter Krisztina Sas** for their authorization and support to bring the game online!
And that's it for today!
Enjoy your week on Board Game Arena,
and as always, take care and play fair!
Astra 游戏由每个玩家轮流进行他们的回合,直到获得一定数量的星座牌。游戏结束计分时,拥有最多名望点数的玩家获胜。
休息动作不仅可以让您的星尘重新填充到您的容量,还可以重新激活与当前活动的 天球相匹配的所有卡牌能力。
您可以感谢为您心爱的平台开发游戏的Kayvon和Mogri ,以及发行商Mindclash Games和游戏设计师Patrik Porkoláb、Frigyes Schőberl 和 Eszter Krisztina Sas团队的授权和支持,让游戏上线!
享受你在Board Game Arena的一周,