On Tour
在On Tour中,每个回合都会掷两个十面骰子来组成两个两位数的数字。 例如,掷 3 和 7 会创建数字 37 和 73。所有玩家都将这些数字中的每一个写在地图上的州中。 他们可以写入的区域受到桌子中间出现的三张卡片的限制。
游戏结束时,每个玩家在自己的地图上画一条路线,从数字较小的地方开始,访问数字越来越大的相邻州。 玩家访问的每个州都会获得一分。
玩家人数: 2 - 8
游戏时长: 18 mn
复杂度: 1 / 5
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在线上玩 On Tour 以及 978 款其他游戏。
You’re living the dream! You are in a band and about to go on tour! It’s your job to schedule the band’s stops over the 100-day tour, visiting as many U.S. states or European countries as possible.
The dice are rolled and the results are combined to form two different 2-digit numbers (i.e. 1 & 4 combine to form 14 & 41). A card is drawn and the lower number of the 2 is written on that card's state (or country), on each player map. The number is then circled.
That step is then repeated another time with the lower number, then two more time with the higher number.
The 4 cards are removed from the game.
Each turn, 3 cards are revealed for all players and the two dice are rolled, creating two 2-digit numbers.
All players simultaneously write each of these numbers in two empty states on their board. When writing numbers, players choose two of the three cards. The numbers must be
written in one of the regions on the displayed cards (North, Central...). If you write a number on the same state displayed on the card, it is circled. When writing numbers, a different card must be used for each number.
If you are unable to place any number in a state, because the states in the regions provided on the cards are all full (normally near the end of the game), you must place an (X) within a state in one of the valid regions.
If all three cards display the same region OR if doubles are rolled, each player draws one star in any one empty state on their board instead of writing numbers. The state must be in the same region as shown on the card. The star is circled.
End of the game and scoring
When only one or two empty states remain, cards aren't flipped. Instead, the dice are rolled and players may freely write numbers in any remaining states, following the usual rules.
When all states are filled, the game ends. Beginning in any state, draw a continuous route for your tour. The line must continue to any adjacent state with a number equal to or greater than the previous state you started in. Stars are wild and count as any number. You can never return to a state that you have already visited. Your route MAY NOT pass through any state that was filled with an (X).
Score one point for each state you visit and an additional point for each encircled star or number on your route.
The highest score is the winner! If tied, the band manager with the most circled states is the winner.