桌上有 12 个动作(半面朝下,半面朝上),可让您收集资源(代币)、获取植物并培育它们。每回合你有 2/3 次行动,你使用的东西和你阻止的东西会阻止你的朋友做同样的事情。您需要照顾好您的资源,并且您不确切知道接下来可以采取什麽行动,因此您的计划可能很难实现。你必须好好培育你的农作物才能得分,它们会一起做疯狂的事情,所以要密切注意其他玩家的农作物,以确保你拥有最好的突变体来得分并赢得比赛。
Mutant Crops 是一款快速、轻巧的资源管理器,对於半小时内玩完的欧元机制来说是一款完美的入门游戏。
玩家人数: 1 - 4
游戏时长: 19 mn
复杂度: 2 / 5
在线上玩 变异作物 以及 993 款其他游戏。
在线上玩 变异作物 以及 993 款其他游戏。
Players take turns placing their farmers on unoccupied action spaces to do actions. Once all of your farmers are on the board, you take your turn by moving one of your farmers to a different space.
The game is divided into rounds in which each player takes 2 actions (3 actions in a solo or 2-player game). At the end of each round, a new field (action card) will be revealed and whoever most recently took the FIRST PLAYER action takes the next turn.
By doing the actions, you can collect three types of resource token: seeds, food and water. Seeds are spent buying crops from the display with the SOW action. You can then FEED or WATER your crops, where you spend food and water to activate the crops' abilities and score coins (points).
Once you have fed and watered a crop, you may FEED or WATER it again to activate its special ability. This might give you more points, or a bonus sow action, or have another effect.
Other actions:
ROTATE CROPS: shuffle displayed crops back into deck and deal out new ones.
DUAL ACTION: move another farmer onto an occupied action space and perform that action.
CHANGE RESOURCES: return any number of resource tokens and replace them with the same number of any types.
EXCHANGE: return a crop card to the bottom of the deck and sow a new one from the display for free.
SEARCH & SOW: search the crop deck and sow a card from there.
1/2 SOW or WATER/FEED: perform the action, paying half-price (rounded up).
Game End
The game ends after the seventh round, which is the round after the final field has been revealed. Whoever has the most coins wins, with the tiebreak being the total number of resource tokens (seeds, food and water).
N.B. In this implementation, Melon, Strawberry and Pepper special abilities (which give coins according to the resources you have left) are awarded at the end of the game, but other special abilities award their points during the game.
Field Cards (Actions)
Stage 2 field cards (appear in a random order):
- top: 2 x Feed action; bottom: Water action and +2 seeds
- top: 2 x Water action; bottom: Sow action and +2 food
- top: 2 x Sow action; bottom: Feed action and +2 water
Stage 3 field cards (appear in random order):
- top: Sow action then Water/Feed action; bottom: +1 any resource then Change Resources
- top: Feed action and Water action; bottom: free Dual Action
- top: +3 any resources; bottom: Exchange action
EXPANSION Stage 3 field cards (shuffled with the base game Stage 3 field cards and drawn at random):
- top: 1/2 price Water/Feed action; bottom: 1/2 price Sow action
- top: +1 any resource then Water/Feed action; bottom: +1 seed then Sow action
- top: +2 seeds, +1 water, +1 food; bottom: Search deck and Sow action
Special Rules
Cranberry and Orange: they "count as" another sowed crop, which means they trigger rewards from the special abilities of other cards (like the Onion, Chard, Cucumber, Pumpkin or Peach, which all award coins if you have sown certain other crops). They do not gain another card's special ability themselves.
Pear: you can sow a card if it is in the crop display, not just cards from the deck.
With double action spaces like WATER x2 or SOW + WATER OR FEED you must be able to do both actions. That might mean there are some actions you cannot do if it makes the second action unaffordable or impossible. (Eg. with SOW + WATER OR FEED you must be able to do a water/feed action after sowing, so if you have no affordable water/feed actions already, you can only sow a crop that gives you an affordable water/feed action.)