Mapmaker: The Gerrymandering Game
玩家人数: 2 - 4
游戏时长: 14 mn
复杂度: 2 / 5
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在线上玩 Mapmaker: The Gerrymandering Game 以及 1003 款其他游戏。
For tips on how to play mapmaker, see Tips_mapmaker
- You are a mapmaker, which means you make maps... and determine who wins elections.
- Each player chooses a party: Red Elephants, Blue Donkeys, Yellow Porcupines, or Green Leaves.
- Voter tokens of the participating parties, along with the neutral token, are randomly distributed across the board.
- Each party has tokens numbered 2 through 9 twice, plus a single 1 and a single 10.
- With two players, only the central 37 counties are in play.
- With three players, there are 55 counties, and with four, all 73 counties are played.
- Note: this random setup does not give any player a noticeable advantage.
- At the end of the game, the entire board will be sectioned off into districts.
- Whoever has the most districts wins.
Game play
- Players take turns placing district borders:
- The first player starts by placing only one district border.
- The second player places two. The next places three.
- Then players continue in order, each placing four district borders per turn.
- You can place district borders near one another or scattered across the board.
- You cannot place them on edges of the board.
- When the entire board is split into districts, the game ends.
- A district is a fully closed-off group of counties satisfying the following properties:
- There are at least 4 counties.
- There is no way to split the counties into smaller districts.
- All counties must become part of a district.
- You can never surround fewer than four counties.
- Note: it is possible to form districts of greater than 8 counties.
- This will happen if the group cannot be split into separate districts of at least four counties each.
- e.g. a Y-shaped district may not be split-able.
- When a district is formed, the player with the most votes wins the district.
- The winner places one of their district markers inside the district.
- The winner of the district does not need to be the player who closes it off.
- However, if there is a tie for most votes, whoever closed off the district gets to choose the winner among the tied players.
The winner
- Whoever has the most districts at the end of the game wins.
- If there is a tie, whoever (among tied players) controls the most swing counties wins.
- A swing county is a county valued 0 or 1 (coloured purple).