HEROOJ(英雄,世界语)是一款适合 2 名玩家的抽象棋盘游戏,可以在 8x8 的棋盘上玩,每个玩家有 10 个棋子(双面棋子)和 4 个大师。 您可以使用一组类似棋盘的棋子或扑克筹码,其底部带有标记以识别升级的棋子或“Herooj”。 对於大师赛,您可以使用一套棋子中的 4 个棋子,或您选择的任何其他 4 个棋子。
士兵:士兵 可以正交或对角线向前移动 1 或 2 个单元格(pawn 不允许向后和侧向移动)。 他们可以透过正交(直线)跳过相邻的友方棋子并落在紧邻的敌方棋子上来捕获,该敌方棋子已从棋盘上移除(允许向后和侧向捕获,但不允许对角线捕获)
大师:大师可以在任何方向上移动 1 或 2 个单元,可以正交或对角线向前和向后移动。 此外,它可以以与棋子相同的方式捕获棋子(跳过相邻的友方棋子并落在紧邻的敌方棋子上),但可以在8 个方向(包括对角线)中的任何一个方向上捕获。
英雄:当棋子到达棋盘最远的位置时,就会晋升为「英雄」。 它可以侧向和向后移动(正交和对角线),但不能向前移动。 它像棋子一样捕获。
目标:HEROOJ 的目标是将一名英雄带回玩家的安全区(玩家一侧的前 2 排)。 如果玩家消除了对手的所有棋子/英雄,他们也可以获得胜利。
玩家人数: 2
游戏时长: 22 mn
复杂度: 3 / 5
在线上玩 Herooj 以及 1021 款其他游戏。

在线上玩 Herooj 以及 1021 款其他游戏。

HEROOJ (heroes, in esperanto language) is an abstract board game for 2 players, which can be played on an 8x8 board, with 10 pawns (double-sided pieces) and 4 masters for each player.
Rules: PAWNS: A pawn can move 1 or 2 cells orthogonally or diagonally forward, (backwards and sideways moves are not allowed for pawns). they can capture by jumping orthogonally over an adjacent friendly piece and falling on an immediately adjacent enemy piece, which is removed from the board, (backwards and sideways captures are allowed).
MASTERS: A master can move 1 or 2 cells in any direction, orthogonally or diagonally forward and backwards. Also, it can capture in the same way of pawns (jumping over an adjacent friendly piece and falling on an immediately adjacent enemy piece) but in any of 8 directions.
HEROOJ: When a pawn reaches the far rank of the board is promoted to "heroo". It can move sideways and backwards (orthogonally and diagonally), but NOT FORWARD. It captures like pawns.
GOAL: The goal of HEROOJ is bringing back one heroo to the player's safe zone (2 first rows of the player's side). A player can also win if they eliminate all the opponent's pawns/herooj.