穿越 “1001 夜之地”,您的大篷车来到了传说中的纳卡拉苏丹国。老苏丹刚刚去世,纳卡拉的控制权悬而未决!神谕预言,将有陌生人操纵五大部落,获得对这座传奇城邦的影响力。你能实现预言吗?召唤古老的神灵,在正确的时间将部落移动到正确的位置,苏丹国就有可能成为您的囊中之物!
由布鲁诺-卡萨拉设计的《五大部落》继承了德式木制小人游戏的悠久传统。在这款游戏中,“工人放置 ”类型的游戏规则发生了独特的变化,游戏开始时,“米宝 ”已经就位,玩家必须巧妙地将它们放置在组成纳卡拉的村庄、市场、绿洲和圣地的地砖上。如何、何时以及在何处摆放这五大部落的刺客、长老、建设者、商人和维齐尔决定了您的胜败。
作为一款 “奇迹之日 ”游戏,游戏规则简单明了,易于上手。但是,与我们的标准游戏相比,制定制胜策略需要更多的计算。您需要仔细考虑哪些棋步能让您取得好成绩,哪些棋步能让对手处于劣势。您需要权衡许多不同的获胜途径,包括召唤强大的精灵,它们可能会在您试图控制这个传奇的苏丹国时对您的事业有所帮助。
玩家人数: 2 - 4
游戏时长: 42 mn
复杂度: 3 / 5
在线上玩 五大部落 以及 945 款其他游戏。
在线上玩 五大部落 以及 945 款其他游戏。
Game Objective
The player with the most Victory Points is declared The Great Sultan and wins.
Game Turn
- Bid for Turn Order
The Player whose turn marker is in the first position bids for turn order, paying coins to the bank.
If a player bids 0, pay nothing and push any other player already on 0 "down the aisle"
2. Player's Action
Select one tile, take all the meeples off that tile and distribute them one at a time on adjacent tiles
- No backtracking
- No diagonals
- The final tile must contain another meeple of the same colour you're dropping there
Once finished moving, take the final meeple and all meeples of the same colour off the tile. If the tile is empty, gain control of the tile by placing your camel that tile.
After checking for control, take the action of the meeple, then the action of the tile.
and taking your action, you may optionally sell sets of different goods
set of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Worth 1 3 7 13 21 30 40 50 60
The Meeples
Yellow - Vizier
- Keep for the whole game
- Score 1 VP / Vizier + 10 VPs /each opponent with fewer Viziers
White - Elder
- Keep for the whole game
- Gain/use Djinns or Score (when scored, put into bag)
- Score 2VPs/ Elder in front of you at game end
Green - Merchant
- Return after using
- Draw equal number of resource cards
Blue - Builder
- Return after using
- Receive Gold = [# of builders + Fakir cards] x # of blue tiles surrounding the final tile (including that tile)
Red - Assassin
- Return after using
- Kill 1 yellow Vizier or White Elder owns by another player -OR- Kill 1 meeple at most [# of Assassins + Fakir cards] tiles away
*if assassinated meeple leave the tile empty, gain control of tile
The Tiles
Sacred Places
- Pay either 2 white elders or 1 elder + 1 Fakir
- Gain 1 visible Djinn (may use it right away)
Structures off game end victory points for whomever controls the tile
- Oasis - Must add a palm tree to the tile (3VP)
- Village - Must add a palace to the tile (5VP)
- Small Market - pay 3 coins to get 1 good among the first 3 cards in the row
- Large Market - pay 6 coins to get 2 goods among the first 6 cards in the row
Game End
Game ends when a player drops their last camel or, there are no more legal moves
VP from Coins
- 1vp /coin
VP from Meeples
- 2vp /White Elders
- 1vp /Yellow Viziers
- Gain 10vp /Opponent with strictly fewer Yellow Viziers
VP from Tile Control
- Tile VP with your Camels
- 3vp /Palm Tree
- 5vp /Palace
VP from Cards
- Djinns
- Goods