宇宙中组织成许多联邦,它们进行贸易、斗争、发展……其中一个联邦尚未完全发展(到目前为止有 5 个成员行星),希望有新的代表团加入,但你不是唯一有意加入联邦的。联邦要求你在 5 年内证明你的价值。在这 5 年中,你必须发展战略、部署战术、抓住最佳机会,同时还要在正确的时间结成正确的联盟……最终,只有声望最高的那个代表团会被选中!
第5轮结束时,比赛结束。 声望点最高的玩家赢得比赛并加入联盟。 如果平局,则分享胜利。
玩家人数: 2 - 4
游戏时长: 59 mn
复杂度: 4 / 5
在线上玩 太空议会 以及 988 款其他游戏。
在线上玩 太空议会 以及 988 款其他游戏。
Have the most prestige points (PP) after 5 rounds
In reverse turn order, choose a starting bonus
Each round is split into two phases
Ambassador's Phase (Played 4 times per round)
Executive Phase (Played once after all Ambassador phases)
Ambassador's Phase
Place one of your tokens either Voting side or Funding side on one of the available spaces
After which, you may send one spaceship to your persona board and carry out a mission (Optional)
Your Voting side tokens have numbers from 1-3, whilst the Funding side has no crystals, a green crystal, or a pink crystal
The Funding side lets you access special missions and Major Projects
The Voting side lets you gain majorities and pass laws
You may have alteration tokens which you can use to change the value of voting side
When playing a side, take any crystals depicted
If you place a voting side, you can add your assistance die to increase its power
After placing the token, you can send a spaceship to a special mission as long as you have access to it, you have a free spaceship, you meet the requirements
You may gain a Medal of Honour if you receive high enough accreditation than anyone else, or further than others, you can only gain one copy of each medal
Executive Phase
Everyone does the following at the same time
Receive income from your production structures
Pay your level of accreditation or drop levels until you can pay
Move Major Projects onwards for each Funding token on it
Score points based on voting power in each floor and associated accreditation
Pass the law with the most votes
End of Round
Bring in all tokens
Discard used Alteration tokens
Replace both Law tiles
End of Game
Score points based on the lowest uncovered Medal value on your player board
Score points for remaining resources: (1PP per 2 Crystals, 1PP per Diamond, 1PP per Spaceship in your hanger, 1PP per Alteration Token)
Score points based on player ranking for each funded Major Project (4 Players: 12/8/4/0, 3 Players: 14/6/0, 2 Players: 10/(4 or 0))