DIG UP Adventure
游戏开始时,每位玩家都会获得9张未知的卡片,并且在他们前方摆放他们面朝下的矿坑,形成一个3x3的方形。他们将中心的卡片翻面朝上,游戏就可以开始了。 目标是用可以给你最多点数的卡片来填满你的矿坑的9个位置。 在你的回合中,你可以从你的手中打出最多2张卡片。在你的矿坑中打出宝石卡 - 你最喜欢颜色的卡片会给你得分,同样,打出正确位置的卡片也会给你得分(每一种宝石和矿坑的位置都被编号为1到9)。利用冒险卡片来揭示、交换或偷走正在打出的卡片,并建立最好的矿坑。 但是要小心:一旦一个矿坑完全被揭示出来,游戏就会结束,得分最多的玩家获胜!
玩家人数: 2 - 4
游戏时长: 10 mn
复杂度: 3 / 5
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在线上玩 DIG UP Adventure 以及 960 款其他游戏。
Each player starts with 9 cards face down to make up their mine and also one on the side to indicate their favorite color.
Once one player has all of their cards flipped over, the game ends.
Types of Cards
- Adventure cards (The verbose ones)
- Gem cards
- Idol cards
- Skeleton cards
Hand limit
Hand limit is 3.
Game Play
A player may play up to two cards from their hand.
a) Play an adventure card and apply its effect.
b) Swap facedown cards with gems. The revealed gem will go into your hand and can be used for swapping subsequently.
c) You can't play an idol card from your hand if there is already one in your mine. However, it is possible to end up with more than one idol in your mine through other card effects.
You will need to discard down to 3 cards at the end of your turn. Discarding additional cards is optional as your hand will automatically be filled back up to 3.
The positions in your tableau are numbered 1 through nine (i.e. the top row are positions 1,2,3, middle row positions 4, 5, 6, and bottom row 7,8,9). You get points if you place the card with a number of gems in the place that matches that number (so for instance you want a card with 1 gem on the top left of your tableau, and a card with 9 gems at the bottom right).
Game End
When one player has all 9 cards turned over.
We end the current round so that all players play the same number of times.
Then each player turns over the face down cards he has in his mine and counts his points.
End Game Scoring
Favorite color in correct position = 3 points
Favorite color in incorrect position = 2 points
Non-favorite color in correct position = 1 point
Idol cards = 2 points
Skeleton cards = no points
Sum up your score and the person with highest score wins.
Tie breaker: the person with the most consecutive cards of their favorite color wins.