#78726: "Legend of the costs of the actions"
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The physical game has a legend at the bottom of the player board that shows the costs for all the actions. I think this is a necessary reference, and should be depicted on the player boards here.• 您正使用哪一款浏览器呢?
Google Chrome v108
2023年1月 6日 23:53 •
darhf • 此建议尚未被开发者分析过:
2023年1月 7日 12:26 • It's a necessary reference but:
- All the information is readily availble during contextual actions (you know of mush it will cost before doing an action)
- The player aids are available by clicking on the (?) round button in your player mini panel.
We think it's enough and not needed at all times on screen.
- All the information is readily availble during contextual actions (you know of mush it will cost before doing an action)
- The player aids are available by clicking on the (?) round button in your player mini panel.
We think it's enough and not needed at all times on screen.
agilmor • 此建议尚未被开发者分析过:
2023年6月27日 16:05 • I wasn't aware of the (?) round button, so I needed to check the rules (I didn't remeber it from my last play).
I think that both the contextual actions and the (?) button are not really a good replacement for the legend in the player board. At least not for casual / new players.
If you don't want it in the player board (not sure why, because is not the big), I would suggest to put it in text in the instructions below the game or something similar?
Thanks for making this great game also available online!
I think that both the contextual actions and the (?) button are not really a good replacement for the legend in the player board. At least not for casual / new players.
If you don't want it in the player board (not sure why, because is not the big), I would suggest to put it in text in the instructions below the game or something similar?
Thanks for making this great game also available online!
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