#69282: "Optional countdown for confirm (ESPECIALLY after using prepare)"
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It would be great to have the option to have confirm be on a countdown timer (like Get on Board, Alhambra Palaces of Carrara, etc)
This would be especially nice to have as essentially an auto-confirm after using prepare in turn-based games (if nothing changed).• 您正使用哪一款浏览器呢?
Safari v15.6
stamo • 此建议尚未被开发者分析过:
2022年8月 5日 8:07 • I included this specific game because I mistakenly thought I was the last player and done with my last turn so I said “gg” and went to make moves in my turn-based games. But I either used prepare or just forgot to confirm, not sure which. Anyway, it cost my opponents their well-earned victory points for my dumb mistake - and could be easily avoided with a confirm countdown.
bennygui • 开发者需要更丰富的建议内容:
2022年8月 8日 22:21 • I will have to think about this one, there migth be problems with Prepare mode.
- 其他的游戏桌 ID / 移动 ID
- 按 F5 是否解决了这个问题?
- 问题是否发生了好几次?还是每次都发生?还是时好时坏?
- 如果你有这个系统漏洞发生时的屏幕截图(画质不要太差),你可以使用Imgur.com来把它上传到网络,然后将链接复制/粘贴到这里来。