翻转 7的案件
#157045: "[Safari] Whole layout stutters whenever cards get discarded."
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At the end of each round, when all cards are discarded, an animation it seems, as if the width of the play area is reduced to display the animated „flying“ cards.• 您正使用哪一款浏览器呢?
Safari v18.1
Thomas • 此建议尚未被开发者分析过:
2025年2月 9日 0:28 • A screenshot will not help, as the layout kind of flashes during animation of discarded cards and I am not able to record a video of that. Hope, you can understand and reproduce the problem any way.
Thomas • 此建议尚未被开发者分析过:
2025年2月 9日 7:37 •
2025年2月13日 9:05 • By the way: I played the game on Safari (iPad), when getting this ugly effect. I don’t know, if it occurs in other browsers (have not tested it, yet).
BanBan • 此建议尚未被开发者分析过:
2025年2月13日 9:05 • Report short description
"Whole layout stutters whenever cards get discarded."
changed to
"[Safari] Whole layout stutters whenever cards get discarded."
"Whole layout stutters whenever cards get discarded."
changed to
"[Safari] Whole layout stutters whenever cards get discarded."
Grant Badger Fox • 此建议尚未被开发者分析过:
2025年3月12日 5:26 • I get the same effect in Brave on my iPad. I haven’t actually played this game, but learning it by watching it is difficult because of an unrelated bug where cards keep turning invisible. Mayhaps I need to file a report for that.
- 其他的游戏桌 ID / 移动 ID
- 按 F5 是否解决了这个问题?
- 问题是否发生了好几次?还是每次都发生?还是时好时坏?
- 如果你有这个系统漏洞发生时的屏幕截图(画质不要太差),你可以使用Imgur.com来把它上传到网络,然后将链接复制/粘贴到这里来。