#157015: "Can not discard 2 cards"
发生什么事? 请从下方选择
• 你当时是想做哪个游戏行动?
At the beginning of the game I have to select 2 cards to discard.• 你在想做什么的时候,触发了这个游戏选项?
Select 2 cards• 当你想这么做时,发生了什么事(错误信息,游戏状态信息,......)?
Can select only 1. As soon as 1 is selected, all others are greyed out. The buttton "Discard selected cards" is not working.• 您正使用哪一款浏览器呢?
Google Chrome v132
2025年2月 8日 18:50 •
KuWizard • 游戏开发者需要更多的信息来修复这个系统漏洞:
2025年2月 9日 12:40 • This must be some specific browser issue. What is your browser and version? If this was reproducible for everyone - we would have hundreds of bugs reported. I cannot reproduce this in the last desktop Chrome unfortunately
Dejo • 游戏开发者需要更多的信息来修复这个系统漏洞:
2025年2月22日 21:10 • Google Chrome. Updated regularly.
The bug happens every time. I now starteted new game. Happened again.
The bug happens every time. I now starteted new game. Happened again.
KuWizard • 游戏开发者需要更多的信息来修复这个系统漏洞:
2025年2月22日 21:49 • Google Chrome, what version?
Mac or Windows or Android?
Desktop or mobile?
I played 30-35 games in Google Chrome and never seen it once. And debugged a hundred more games
Mac or Windows or Android?
Desktop or mobile?
I played 30-35 games in Google Chrome and never seen it once. And debugged a hundred more games
- 其他的游戏桌 ID / 移动 ID
- 按 F5 是否解决了这个问题?
- 问题是否发生了好几次?还是每次都发生?还是时好时坏?
- 如果你有这个系统漏洞发生时的屏幕截图(画质不要太差),你可以使用Imgur.com来把它上传到网络,然后将链接复制/粘贴到这里来。