#152261: "More potent potions"
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This game is great, and feels like a game of skill despite the dice. However, the potions involve more luck than I would like.
The potions are situational and often not useful, so I rarely use them. Maybe I'm still a beginner. In any case, I would like to propose some new documentation and optional rules to improve the usefulness and skill factor of potions:
1. Document all the potions and how many there are of each, so we can know the odds of drawing a useful potion.
2. Allow us to look into the potion discard pile.
3. Implement a "potion market" which shows 3 potions face up. When a player is allowed to draw a potion, instead of drawing from the potion deck, they can take it from the market. They have to pay 1 health for the left-most card, 2 health for the middle card, and 3 health for the right-most card. Drawing from the face-down deck would cost 0 health as usual. If the player takes from the market, the remaining potions shift left and the top of the potion deck is drawn and placed face up in the right-most slot.
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Nob Leader • 此建议尚未被开发者分析过:
2025年1月 7日 8:02 • The idea of a "market" where players can pay different amounts for available cards is a common feature of many board games. It increases the skill factor and therefore the fun.
David Kühn • 开发者认同这是个好点子,并希望去实现它:
2025年1月 7日 13:37 • Hey! Thank you for the input. I will think about it.
Point 1 and 2 make sense. To show the discard-pile (so far only the alchemist can do that) and a list of all the potions. I only have to find a good place in the game-layout to place that, without getting in the way or beeing distracting. But I am working on this in my head right now.
Point 3 im am less sure of. I find the idea not bad. I will have to check, if that would cause other issues with the game mechanics. But also this would be a rule, that doesn´t exist in the actual game and I am not sure, if I should introduce BGA-inclusive extra rules. Even if it is just a game-option. So jeah - I am thinking about it. :-D
Point 1 and 2 make sense. To show the discard-pile (so far only the alchemist can do that) and a list of all the potions. I only have to find a good place in the game-layout to place that, without getting in the way or beeing distracting. But I am working on this in my head right now.
Point 3 im am less sure of. I find the idea not bad. I will have to check, if that would cause other issues with the game mechanics. But also this would be a rule, that doesn´t exist in the actual game and I am not sure, if I should introduce BGA-inclusive extra rules. Even if it is just a game-option. So jeah - I am thinking about it. :-D
Nob Leader • 开发者认同这是个好点子,并希望去实现它:
2025年1月 7日 18:31 • Thanks for thinking about my suggestions. :) I appreciate that they might be bad, or break the game, or might not be worth your time. I love this game and would like to love it more. The BGG rating is only 7. Would be possible to get it up to 8?
Nob Leader • 开发者认同这是个好点子,并希望去实现它:
2025年1月 7日 18:36 • Suggestion 1 doesn't have to be fancy. Just writing up the list of potions in plain text on the Rules Summary page (which doesn't exist) would be enough.
Suggestion 3 could be a bad idea if it makes the IronClad character too powerful. Maybe it would be less bad if health was NOT required to take a potion from the market?
I have a Suggestion 4. :) How about having a "draft" phase at the beginning of the game where players take turns choosing 1 or 2 potions from a random pool of 6?
Even if these rules were only implemented on BGA, they -might- make the game more fun and increase the likelihood that people will buy the physical game. Then if they were exposed to these new rules on BGA, they could simply use these rules with the physical game.
These are just my suggestions. Thanks David, for the great game you have created. :)
Suggestion 3 could be a bad idea if it makes the IronClad character too powerful. Maybe it would be less bad if health was NOT required to take a potion from the market?
I have a Suggestion 4. :) How about having a "draft" phase at the beginning of the game where players take turns choosing 1 or 2 potions from a random pool of 6?
Even if these rules were only implemented on BGA, they -might- make the game more fun and increase the likelihood that people will buy the physical game. Then if they were exposed to these new rules on BGA, they could simply use these rules with the physical game.
These are just my suggestions. Thanks David, for the great game you have created. :)
Nob Leader • 开发者认同这是个好点子,并希望去实现它:
2025年1月 7日 21:48 • One more thought about the potion market. This game exciting because it's a race to kill monsters and it's a race to grab equipment. If potions were visible in a market, then the game would also become a race to grab the best potions. More decisions, more tension, more fun. Just my thoughts. Just thinking these thoughts is fun for me even if nothing else comes from them. :)
David Kühn • 此建议已获实施:
2025年1月13日 22:28 •
2025年1月14日 4:16 • Okay, 2/3 are done.
In the corner of the potions pile you will now find a discard-pile-icon. There you find a tooltip with all the potions in the discard-pile. And there I gave you a button to show all the cards in the pile (obviously not in the order of the pile ;-) ).
I keep your request for the extra-rule in mind. But I wont implement this right now. But I will test around with variations of that rule onthe gaming-table the next rounds. :-)
In the corner of the potions pile you will now find a discard-pile-icon. There you find a tooltip with all the potions in the discard-pile. And there I gave you a button to show all the cards in the pile (obviously not in the order of the pile ;-) ).
I keep your request for the extra-rule in mind. But I wont implement this right now. But I will test around with variations of that rule onthe gaming-table the next rounds. :-)
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