#148472: "game board doesn't load after all players have accepted"
发生什么事? 请从下方选择
• 当你被封锁的时候,屏幕上出现了些什么呢?(空白的屏幕?部分游戏平台画面?错误的信息?)
In arena mode, after a player has been found and a game started, the game board doesn't load. I have to click "go to game" to get to the game. It's the "play now" dashboard that is displayed.• 您正使用哪一款浏览器呢?
Google Chrome v131
ms_curmudge0n • 漏洞尚未被修复:
2024年12月 6日 22:40 •
2025年2月15日 15:00 • Expected behavior: After being matched with another player in a two-player arena match, I will be redirected to the game board.
Actual behavior: I remain on the matching screen, and see the "Go to game" button. Clicking on the button takes me to the game.
I think this mainly happens when the tab with the dashboard doesn't have focus.
Actual behavior: I remain on the matching screen, and see the "Go to game" button. Clicking on the button takes me to the game.
I think this mainly happens when the tab with the dashboard doesn't have focus.
- 其他的游戏桌 ID / 移动 ID
- 按 F5 是否解决了这个问题?
- 问题是否发生了好几次?还是每次都发生?还是时好时坏?
- 如果你有这个系统漏洞发生时的屏幕截图(画质不要太差),你可以使用Imgur.com来把它上传到网络,然后将链接复制/粘贴到这里来。