#140836: "Translations missing for Golfie"
fixed: 漏洞已修复
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• 请以英文复制/粘贴显示文字而非你的语言。 如果你有这个系统漏洞发生时的屏幕截图(画质不要太差),你可以使用Imgur.com来把它上传到网络,然后将链接复制/粘贴到这里来。
In player panel: points, combos, lost balls, total, flashing "lost ball",
In game log: new action card, [player] completed the hole in...strokes, [player] got a [lost ball / combo]
Complete text of ? pop ups: point system, cards pop-up, active card animations• 这段文本在翻译系统中吗?如果存在,它被翻译是否已超过二十四小时?
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Mozilla v5
2024年10月 4日 21:40 •
vincentcroquette • 游戏开发者需要更多的信息来修复这个系统漏洞:
2025年3月 8日 23:18 • In process to be solved. The reason isn't easy to find so it might take a while
vincentcroquette • 漏洞已修复:
2025年3月27日 2:27 • This bug is fixed. For some obscure reason, certain template elements refuse to be translated. A workaround has been found and implemented.
Thomas • 漏洞已修复:
2025年3月27日 6:30 • Thanks for fixing it!
As you wrote „for some obscure reason“ and done a workaround instead of fixing the cause: Could this be related to boardgamearena.com/bug?id=160627 ? Since some weeks, we encounter missing translations in more and more games, and the game developers say, that it is not caused by their game code but it must be BGA-related.
I don’t expect every game to implement a workaround, but maybe the knowledge of what exact issue you worked around, may help BGA to find the reason, why more and more games get issues with translations. If you think, you could help to describe, under which circumstances translations do not work and how you worked around it, please comment at boardgamearena.com/bug?id=160627
As you wrote „for some obscure reason“ and done a workaround instead of fixing the cause: Could this be related to boardgamearena.com/bug?id=160627 ? Since some weeks, we encounter missing translations in more and more games, and the game developers say, that it is not caused by their game code but it must be BGA-related.
I don’t expect every game to implement a workaround, but maybe the knowledge of what exact issue you worked around, may help BGA to find the reason, why more and more games get issues with translations. If you think, you could help to describe, under which circumstances translations do not work and how you worked around it, please comment at boardgamearena.com/bug?id=160627
- 其他的游戏桌 ID / 移动 ID
- 按 F5 是否解决了这个问题?
- 问题是否发生了好几次?还是每次都发生?还是时好时坏?
- 如果你有这个系统漏洞发生时的屏幕截图(画质不要太差),你可以使用Imgur.com来把它上传到网络,然后将链接复制/粘贴到这里来。