#138743: "Floating Hands"
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Floating hand of cattle and second floating hand of workers so players don't need to scroll that much.• 您正使用哪一款浏览器呢?
Google Chrome v128
2024年9月18日 16:40 •
firgon • 开发者需要更丰富的建议内容:
2024年12月 6日 11:10 • We will see. Floating hand is not really approved by player. Let's see if this suggestion is largely upvoted.
landon1013 • 开发者需要更丰富的建议内容:
2025年1月15日 0:52 • I could see the benefit of this if done similarly to Ark Nova. However, with a game like Ark Nova its a lot harder to remember which of the 90,000,000 animals you had in your hand, so depending on work needed for the feature it might not be a great idea.
Phoxtrot • 开发者需要更丰富的建议内容:
2025年1月22日 20:09 • I don't like floating hands.
For me the solution is elsewhere : either tabs or shortcuts (or both)
For me the solution is elsewhere : either tabs or shortcuts (or both)
firgon • 开发者需要更丰富的建议内容:
2025年1月23日 10:04 • yes tricky problem, every player has his preferences... I don't like shortcuts... Of course, if i add floating hand, it will be optional (like on FS with a pin)
orangeglacier • 开发者需要更丰富的建议内容:
2025年2月 3日 4:13 • I think at a minimum, it would be useful to see the worker count in the player sidebar so you don't have to scroll down.
Magritte72 • 开发者需要更丰富的建议内容:
2025年2月18日 23:47 • Make all the information available on one screen in short form - by all means scroll down for full sized info but for the love of god get rid of all the needless scrolling!
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