#107941: "Confirmation popup boxes for bonuses"
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1. When you play a card which has a bonus power, but you will not get the bonus with the cards you're using to pay for it, pop up a box with a message like:
"[Card] has a bonus of [bonus effect], but you will not get to use this bonus because at least one of the cards you are discarding to pay for it does not have the [symbol] symbol."
You can click "play without bonus" to go ahead and play the card, or click "don't play" to make the box go away and put you back at the stage of selecting what to play and pay.
1a. A checkbox at the bottom of this popup says "don't show this again", and if you check that box, you will not get this popup anymore in the future.
2. When you play a card that will give you a bonus, and you are prompted to use the bonus, add a BOLD message that says "without getting its effects or bonus". For example, "you may play any card with a paw symbol, **without getting its effects or bonus**"• 您正使用哪一款浏览器呢?
Google Chrome v120
Cos- • 此建议尚未被开发者分析过:
2023年12月19日 22:19 • Lots of new players seem to miss, or misunderstand, the bonus rules, and get confused. Of the 31 posts so for on the Forest Shuffle forum, 4 are from people who didn't understand how the bonus rules worked, and some of them thought it was just a bug and didn't realize they did something wrong. Also, when playing the game, I have frequently been asked by other players in the chat about this. Questions like why didn't I get a bonus from playing that card?
Some people don't remember that how you pay for a card determines if you get the bonus. Some people think the cards you pay have to match each other, not match the card being played. Some people think only one of the cards you pay has to match the card you're playing. Some people don't remember that when you get a bonus, the cards you play with it won't give you their own bonus or effects.
Since this seems to be a frequent and recurring problem with people starting to play this game, and since many people don't seem to notice the red X / green checkmark, I think adding this feature to the game will help everyone learn. Once they understand the rules, people can check the "don't show this again" box.
Some people don't remember that how you pay for a card determines if you get the bonus. Some people think the cards you pay have to match each other, not match the card being played. Some people think only one of the cards you pay has to match the card you're playing. Some people don't remember that when you get a bonus, the cards you play with it won't give you their own bonus or effects.
Since this seems to be a frequent and recurring problem with people starting to play this game, and since many people don't seem to notice the red X / green checkmark, I think adding this feature to the game will help everyone learn. Once they understand the rules, people can check the "don't show this again" box.
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