#103875: "2-round game with switching sides?"
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Currently, most combinatorial games on BGA are either not strongly solved (e.g. Chess, Checkers, invented games, and etc.), solved but results in a draw with perfect play (e.g. Reversi, Nine Men's Morris, Quarto, etc.), or solved but negates the player position advantage by employing pie rule or its variant (e.g. Gomoku, Pente, etc.).
However, this game is an asymmetric combinatorial game and is described as a solved game (wolves win with perfect play).
Above a certain level of skills, a single round game is likely to depend on the player position.
So, implementing a 2-round mode where players play each side once might be a good idea.• 您正使用哪一款浏览器呢?
Google Chrome v119
ufm • 此建议尚未被开发者分析过:
2023年11月13日 20:56 •
2023年11月13日 20:59 • Some asymmetric games on BGA also have this option (e.g. Memoir '44, Jekyll vs. Hyde, etc.).
Jonathan2004 • 开发者需要更丰富的建议内容:
2023年11月14日 14:35 •
2023年11月14日 14:45 •
2023年11月19日 11:05 •
2023年11月19日 19:50 • Thank you for your interest ;)
I think this is a good suggestion.
For now I think I only played 2 games with that kind of 2 round mode :
-Memoir'44 : the game rules state which players get a given number of points in each round, so we understand who is the winner
-Luck Numbers : (not the same kind of solvable game though) again the game rules state which player is the winner in 'tournament' mode
So we need to find a good way to find the winner in this game, do you think the lesser number of moves is enough ?
For example today I see those 2 tables with the same players :
- boardgamearena.com/table?table=439270363 megumaru wins in 17 moves
- boardgamearena.com/table?table=439275913 Askeladdd wins in 7 moves
=> Askeladdd should be declared winner of this 2 round game ?
I think this is a good suggestion.
For now I think I only played 2 games with that kind of 2 round mode :
-Memoir'44 : the game rules state which players get a given number of points in each round, so we understand who is the winner
-Luck Numbers : (not the same kind of solvable game though) again the game rules state which player is the winner in 'tournament' mode
So we need to find a good way to find the winner in this game, do you think the lesser number of moves is enough ?
For example today I see those 2 tables with the same players :
- boardgamearena.com/table?table=439270363 megumaru wins in 17 moves
- boardgamearena.com/table?table=439275913 Askeladdd wins in 7 moves
=> Askeladdd should be declared winner of this 2 round game ?
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