#101827: "Auto-Win if Win is Obvious"
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As Wolves can only move forward, if the sheep moves in such a way that there is NO WAY for the wolves to get it anymore, I think it should just be an Auto-Win for Sheep, as a Wolf player it's a little tedious (& probably same for the sheep player) to do a useless move because the sheep just hasn't reached the edge yet and you literally can't do anything about it• 您正使用哪一款浏览器呢?
Google Chrome v118
2023年10月20日 16:33 •
Jonathan2004 • 开发者需要更丰富的建议内容:
2023年10月22日 12:18 • Hi,
Thank you for your feedback, don't you think the BGA "concede" option is the solution (like in Chess ) ? Did you try it on the game ?
Thank you for your feedback, don't you think the BGA "concede" option is the solution (like in Chess ) ? Did you try it on the game ?
JohnWaffles • 开发者需要更丰富的建议内容:
2023年10月26日 10:42 •
2023年10月27日 14:53 • I'm not sure how the game is set to track percent completion, but conceding is locked behind reaching at least 50% completion. Because of this, it has not been an option in games I've played until the last turn or so. I have no idea how to address this though, as fixing either percent complete or an auto end function both seem difficult.
Jonathan2004 • 开发者需要更丰富的建议内容:
2023年10月31日 18:50 •
2023年11月 4日 12:13 • FYI, the progression for this simple game is really simple with no 'AI' :
progression = currentMoves / nbMaxMoves *100
with nbMaxMoves = 2*28 ( 4 blacks pawns can move 7 times each),
It is a good progression when the black player is going to win a long fight, but black player could block white faster, or white can pass through faster; maybe Chess-like players could tell their BGA experience about progression computation relevance ?
This explains the progression of 11/54 = 20% in your table n°427983913 when the white player is ready to "auto-finish" in 1 move.
For now, the speed of the white pawn is not taken into account because it can move backward at any time. If you have an idea that would have bring a progression >50 in THIS case and in general, I would consider it.
progression = currentMoves / nbMaxMoves *100
with nbMaxMoves = 2*28 ( 4 blacks pawns can move 7 times each),
It is a good progression when the black player is going to win a long fight, but black player could block white faster, or white can pass through faster; maybe Chess-like players could tell their BGA experience about progression computation relevance ?
This explains the progression of 11/54 = 20% in your table n°427983913 when the white player is ready to "auto-finish" in 1 move.
For now, the speed of the white pawn is not taken into account because it can move backward at any time. If you have an idea that would have bring a progression >50 in THIS case and in general, I would consider it.
Jonathan2004 • 开发者认同这是个好点子,并希望去实现它:
2023年11月13日 13:54 •
2023年11月13日 20:06 • OK I now see that Chess and xiangqi (and maybe some others) have minimum 50% progress, I may change this too.
ufm • 此建议已获实施:
2023年11月13日 20:35 • In fact, conceding is impossible in the tournament mode. So auto-win scenario might be worth implementing
Jonathan2004 • 开发者认同这是个好点子,并希望去实现它:
2023年11月14日 14:45 • I was not aware of conceding impossible in the tournament mode (Indeed I don't play tournament for now neither I concede in my games), maybe this could be written in our studio wiki ?
Also I may study an auto-win for Sheep when it reaches the wolves line so that wolves cannot win; but I don't want to add an auto-win for wolves because when the black player is not doing perfect moves, they still can loose (it happened to me several times when I test).
Also I may study an auto-win for Sheep when it reaches the wolves line so that wolves cannot win; but I don't want to add an auto-win for wolves because when the black player is not doing perfect moves, they still can loose (it happened to me several times when I test).
ufm • 开发者认同这是个好点子,并希望去实现它:
2023年11月14日 14:50 • Of course. Auto win only when sheep cannot lose unless they intentionally lose would be enough.
Jonathan2004 • 此建议已获实施:
2023年11月19日 19:50 • Added in today's version 231119-1936.
We now have an auto win condition when the sheep cannot be blocked by enough wolves : if there are 2 empty spaces in front of the sheep, and stricty less than 2 wolves can reach these positions.
In the goal of not wasting time, we now have an auto move (Sheep/wolf) if the player has only 1 possible move during their turn (because this is a public information, no need to wait 2 days ...).
We now have an auto win condition when the sheep cannot be blocked by enough wolves : if there are 2 empty spaces in front of the sheep, and stricty less than 2 wolves can reach these positions.
In the goal of not wasting time, we now have an auto move (Sheep/wolf) if the player has only 1 possible move during their turn (because this is a public information, no need to wait 2 days ...).
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